Tuesday, October 09, 2007


音楽: 奥井雅美 - 時に愛は…
本: 老子 - 道徳経

今週は本当に面白かった。私について、クラスは今まで面白かった。日本語はちょっと難しいけど、一生懸命勉強すれば、本当に上手になる。他のクラスも面白い: 「日本の宗教伝」、「日本製図の文化歴史」、「中国の哲学・宗教・文学の経伝」と言うクラスを取っている。彼女について、ビッグ・ヌーズがある。ピータ・ベーガルについてM.S.のテーゼの研究が始まって、私が手伝っている。しかも、今日、彼女がビーガルのagent (コンアー・コクラン) を電話して、かれが手伝うって言った! 彼女は本当によかった!!

Monday, October 08, 2007



Music: Haiducii - Dragostea Din Tei
Book: Lao-zi - Tao Te Ching

So for those who may be reading this with limited Japanese capabilities, everything's going fine at Columbia. I've been living in campus housing for about a month now (where does the time go?) and I've got an amazing-sized room. Like amazing. It's huge. I have a mock-fireplace in my room! That and it's only about seven blocks from campus, so for the time being, I can walk back and forth fairly easily.

Classes are good. I'm taking more Japanese (which the non-English parts of this blog are a partial requirement of), and three other culture courses: "Japanese Religious Traditions," "The Cultural History of Japanese Cartography," and "The Major Works of Chinese Philosophy, Religion, and Literature." They're all pretty interesting and I've gotten to meet a variety of students and teachers because of them.

Work is also interesting. I landed a pretty good job in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, which is working out very well. It's hectic and a lot of on-my-feet work, but it's nice. It's a lot of packing and unpacking manuscripts (that come in from or get sent to offsite storage), shelving, unshelving, and reshelving books and manuscripts, and also filling photocopy orders of manuscripts for patrons. It's not quite as interesting as people think from the title, but there's possible mobility in the future, so we'll see where that takes me, especially if I end up here over the summer.

Sadly, I haven't really been exploring the city much. I know the area around school pretty well. I've been venturing around Riverside Park with my Czech friend, Petr, so we've figured that area out pretty well. I'm trying not to explore too much right now since it could easily become a distraction from academics, but I aim to see Saw IV the weekend after Halloween, so we're going to have to find a movie theatre somewhere.

So, if you're reading this with limited or no command to Japanese, just comment to let me know you're still with me. Have a good one, and let me know what you want to hear about next.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


音楽: 浜崎あゆみ - Duty "Love Mix"
本: Julian Jaynes - The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind


一つ目: 私のことわざは「才子、才に倒れる」である。

二つ目: そのことわざの読み方は「サイシ、サイ ニ タオレル」と言う。

三つ目: 意味について、「ことわざ辞典」のままは、「自分の知識に自信を持ちすぎてかえって失敗することです。」私の言葉で、「才子は本当に知識があれば、自分を他人より下がるが、もし知識があると間違えば、自分を他人より立て、自分が倒す。」と言う意味である。

四つ目: 英語と同じ意味のことわざがないと思うけれども、ことわざではなくてフレースが絶対にあるよ。例えば、A wise man that does not utilize his wisdom is not a wise manはだいたい同じ意味のフレース。このフレーズの意味は「才子には才気がなくなれば、まだ才子ではない」とことであるが、もっとことわざの通りに、「才子には『才』がなくなれば、『子』しかない」と言うことである。