The Floodgates Open...
Memo to everyone. When you have exactly forty days left doing something, don't look up at the sky and think, "I only have forty days and forty nights, and I hope the sewers don't get backed up." I made that mistake this week. Less than an hour after doing so, rain poured down from the skies more or less for six straight hours. This wasn't just rain. It was pouring so hard you couldn't go outside. Luckily, I made it inside before the deluge.
Unfortunately, a similar deluge is happening in school. Tests and kanji don't want to go away regardless of how much I study. That's why updates have been sort of scarce this semester. I've got about 38 days until I get home now, so I'm sure I'll see most of you soon enough anyway. I have a feeling we might have to arrange some kind of slide-show of my pictures at a birthday party or something cause I don't know how else everyone will get a chance to see them... Oh well. See you guys around, and hope your sanity is farther from the breaking point than mine is.
Does anyone even read this anymore?
Unfortunately, a similar deluge is happening in school. Tests and kanji don't want to go away regardless of how much I study. That's why updates have been sort of scarce this semester. I've got about 38 days until I get home now, so I'm sure I'll see most of you soon enough anyway. I have a feeling we might have to arrange some kind of slide-show of my pictures at a birthday party or something cause I don't know how else everyone will get a chance to see them... Oh well. See you guys around, and hope your sanity is farther from the breaking point than mine is.
Does anyone even read this anymore?
Responding to let you know that I read your updates. When you return to the states, I'm looking forward to seeing your photos Last week we ended a 11 day raining streak that did some serious damage to the north shore of Boston and parts of New Hampshire and Maine. You probably heard I did get a chance to see Beth when she returned for the Easter visit.
Enjoy yuor final weeks.
i read it!!!!!!!!!!!!! so thats all that matters!!
To be succint: yes, you slackass silly man ;-)
Hmmm you made it rain huh...Wish i could do that on command. We miss you lots. I need someone to chill out with so i don't feel like an old married woman!!!
(your little big sister)
I do...sometimes.
I still read it, sometimes!
I'm still reading!
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